Thursday, September 07, 2006

What my title is


what the heck is that, well let me tell ya. I have been reading this great new book The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne(who has chilled with mother theresa), and is just making my whole life change, well as long as i start to act how im fealing right now. But back to the word, Shane was in Calcutta at a place where a bunch of lepers were, and they would wisper this mystical word namaste to him. The word meant, I honor the Holy one who lives in you. It just blows my mind away that Shane is out there being a Christian like i want to be. What a great guy, so i stole the word from him, but now its my word.

1 comment:

James said...

I totally still want to read this book - but I think it's more joy to me to see what it is doing to you!!
